When you suffer a severe injury that leads you unable to work, you may be able to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. If you qualify, you will receive monthly benefits to help offset the loss of income.

When filing for SSDI claims, some conditions might qualify for benefits over others. Take a look at some of the most common SSDI claims.

Most Common SSDI Claims

While there are many different ailments and conditions that may qualify for SSDI benefits, here are some of the most commonly approved conditions:

  1. Arthritis: Arthritis and musculoskeletal disability are the most approved conditions on benefits claims. To qualify, you will need to prove your condition prevents you from walking or performing routine movements like typing – or other tasks you need to complete in the workplace.
  2. Heart Disease: There are many forms of heart disease, with varying levels of severity. Some types of heart disease that commonly get approved for SSDI claims are congenital heart defects and congestive heart failure.
  3. Back Ailments: Severe back injuries and ailments are commonly awarded benefits. Degenerative Disc Disease is also a condition that can be approved on claims. This can prevent someone from sitting or walking.
  4. Respiratory Conditions: Certain respiratory conditions, like COPD, can qualify someone for SSDI benefits.
  5. Mental Illnesses: Certain mental illnesses can prevent people from working and earning an income, making them eligible for SSDI claims. Some types of conditions that may be approved for benefits are autism, depression, or anxiety. Being diagnosed with a mental illness does not guarantee your claim will be approved. You will need to prove your condition prevents you from working.
  6. Cancer: While not all types of cancer will qualify for SSDI benefits, typically cancer that has progressed to Stage III or beyond will result in approved claims. Aggressive forms of cancer are more likely to get approved, including pancreatic cancer.
  7. Stroke: If you suffered from a stroke, it can leave you unable to walk or even speak. If you are unable to walk without assistance or communicate properly verbally or non-verbally, your SSDI claim will likely be approved.
  8. Nervous System Disorders: Conditions like epilepsy or cerebral palsy may qualify you for benefits, depending on the severity. For example, if you have epilepsy, you may need to prove how often you have seizures and how it impacts your ability to work.
  9. Diabetes: Many people work and live normal lives with diabetes. When it becomes severe and disabling, it can start to impact your ability to perform daily tasks and even work. Some side effects of severe diabetes can include losing the ability to walk and losing your sight due to glaucoma.
  10. Immune System Disorders: Certain viruses – including HIV or rheumatoid arthritis – can prevent your ability to work. If you have a diagnosis to prove it, you may qualify for disability benefits.

 Other Conditions That Qualify for SSDI Benefits

While we listed the most common SSDI claims that can qualify for benefits, it is not an exhaustive list. Many other conditions might result in an approved claim.

Some conditions, while not common, can result in immediate approval for benefits. These can include ALS and certain types of cancer. If you think you suffer from an ailment that prevents you from working, you should consult an attorney and a doctor. Your doctor will provide you with a diagnosis and prognosis to determine if you can work. He or she will also give you the needed medical records to provide to your attorney. Your attorney will then help you determine if your condition qualifies for SSDI, and can assist you in filing the claims.

Contact an Attorney

To learn more about common SSDI claims or filing for SSDI benefits, it’s crucial to hire an experienced attorney to help you through the process. Don’t let debt ruin your life. Call (405) 529-9377 for a free case review.
